Sunday, April 19, 2009

Right != Legal...or is it?

Unless you've been living under a rock over the weekend, you'll no doubt have read that Carl Lundström, Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde and Gottfrid Svartholm Warg (the guys behind The Pirate Bay) were found guilty "of being accessories to breaching copyright laws". It looks like they're being made an example of. They're appealing the verdict. No surprise there. What might be surprising is that hundreds of supporters protested in Stockholm over the weekend. I'm no lawyer, so I can't speak authoritatively on the case. Nevertheless, I could see the appeal upholding the original verdict as equally as I can see it being overturned.

A Pirate Bay blog entry states that "what we do is right" - an interesting choice of words. Legal? That's a matter for the courts to decide.


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