Monday, April 27, 2009

New Job

I'm starting a new job with Hosting365 as a Professional Services Engineer working primarily with Microsoft server technologies on VMware Virtual Infrastructure. I'm joining a number of talented engineers with skills including but not limited to networks, Linux, storage and virtualisation. This enables us to design, build and manage open or closed source systems - anything from simple single server solutions to HA multi-tier systems with firewalls, load balancers, web servers, application servers, database servers, clustered servers and high performance storage according to customer requirements.

We're busy, and there's plenty of work for me to get stuck into right away. From a Microsoft perspective, the role is certainly more TechNet than MSDN (as Dave Northey might put it), but I'll certainly have occasion to delve into MSDN from time to time e.g. IIS Logging. In terms of MOF, I'll be working across all three phases i.e. Plan, Deliver and Operate. I also hope to improve my non-Microsoft skills over time e.g. Linux and Cisco.

I'm delighted to be joining the team.


PS I'd like to wish my predecessor, Mark Dunne, best of luck in his new job


Brian Honan said...

Congrats on the new role Brian.

Unknown said...

Well done man.... good to see your back on the saddle!